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Climate neutrality combined with a resilient energy system until 2050 – how can Europe achieve this goal? In our new study “Energy System 2050 – towards a decarbonised Europe”, we shed light on this question. We highlight five key components which support the 2050 vision: renewable energy, grid infrastructure, sector coupling, hydrogen technology, and joint action at the European level.

Study Presentation Wendlingen (German)

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Review Study Presentation Brussels

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The energy transition can only be implemented efficiently if it is planned and performed jointly at European level. In this study we assume that the European Green Deal is established, which means that Europe’s energy system must become climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, we present two central scenarios, Global Markets (GM) and Energy Resilient Europe (ERE), which consider different possible developments for climate neutral hydrogen production and availability.

GLOBAL MARKETS SCENARIO HYDROGEN IMPORT FROM OUTSIDE EUROPE ENERGY RESILIENT EU SCENARIO NO HYDROGEN IMPORT FROM OUTSIDE EUROPE 5,190TWh 2050 2.0x 5,833TWh 2050 2.3x new consumers: +692 TWh +526 TWh +252 TWh +1,185 TWh Peak load:increase of more than 3 times from today 1,508GW 62% flexible of which power-to-gas accounts for 24% and smart charging BEV for 16% new consumers: +692 TWh +532 TWh +248 TWh +1,867 TWh Peak load:increase of more than 3 times from today 1,745GW 64% flexible of which power-to-gas accounts for 31% and smart charging BEV for 16% Wind energy: 4.8-fold increasein installed capacity 2020 2050 844GW 177GW Photovoltaics: 15.4-fold increase in installed capacity 2020 2050 2,136GW 139GW Wind energy: 5.5-fold increasein installed capacity 2020 2050 969GW 177GW Photovoltaics: 17.8-fold increase in installed capacity 2020 2050 2,462GW 139GW 2,491TWh 2020 Total electricity demand: ELECTRICITY MUST BE UNDERSTOOD IN A NEW WAY Electrification boosts Electricity demand MASSIVE EXPANSION OF WIND AND PV EU27


710 250 Photovoltaics 2,404 Wind energy 1,944 Storages 400 Power-to-Gas 1,185 Power-to-Heat 242 Power-to-Mobility 692 526 2,146

Difference due to trade with non EU27, battery storage consumption, grid losses.

Gross electricity trade EU27:

1,600 TWh

Power grid interconnection capacity EU27:

2.8 increase in power grid interconnection capacity

70 GW 2020 200 GW 2050

Europe will become more independent of imported energy carriers

Demand decreases from 2020 to 2050 by:

Oil -72% Gas -63% GM -83% ERE

Global Markets

Generation and AC-/DC grid expension 2050 vs. 2030

Global Markets

Global Markets

Extensive development of the electrical grid in europe necessary

Global Markets

Hydrogen as basis for european industry and fuels for the transport sector

H 2 Electrolyser: 376 GW Electrolyser: 560 GW Hydrogen grid: 219 GW Hydrogen grid: 150 GW 100% of demand covered by European producers 57% of demand covered by European producers 2050 2020 START ENERGY RESILIENT EU GLOBAL MARKETS

Global Markets

Hydrogen generation and demand 2050

Global Markets

Energy resilient EU

Hydrogen generation and demand 2050

Energy resilient EU

As an electricity importer and electricity hub of europe, transnetbw's control area needs a reliable and highperformance grid

Digitalisation and innovation to create a smart electricity grid:

25 %

less grid congestions in the German grid by combining power flow optimising measures

Higher circuit utilisation(up to 4,000 A) Weather dependentdynamic line rating Use of phase shifting transformersand controllable HVDC links

TransnetBW's target grid

beyond the Germany NEP2021

Expansion of AC grid:

830 KM

of circuits must be reinforced in Baden-Württemberg

18 GW

Total HVDC-capacity to Baden-Württemberg in 2050

inch 7 GW HVDC interconnectors to France and Switzerland

HVDC measures: Additional HVDCusing 800kV cable


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The previous study „Stromnetz 2050“

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